André Tavares has been running Dafne Editora since 2006, exploring publishing as a form of cultural and architectural practice. He holds a doctorate from the University of Porto’s Faculty of Architecture (FAUP), where he completed his thesis on the presence of reinforced concrete in architects’ design strategies in the early 20th century in 2009. Based on his research in Mendrisio, Paris and Sao Paulo, André has published several books addressing the international circulation of knowledge amongst Portuguese-speaking architects, including Arquitectura Antituberculose (FAUP- publicações, 2005), Os fantasmas de Serralves (Dafne, 2007), Novela Bufa do Ufanismo em Concreto (Dafne, 2009) and Duas obras de Januário Godinho (Dafne, 2012). His last book, The Anatomy of the Architectural Book (Lars Müller, 2015), explores the connections between book culture and architectural practice.