Associated Projects: the search has ended
03 OCT 2019 - 02 DEC 2019
Éric Lapierre, Sébastien Marot, Ambra Fabi, Giovanni Piovene, Mariabruna Fabrizi, Fosco Lucarelli, Laurent Esmilaire and Tristan Chadney
Public presentation | The Poetics of Reason | Ediício FPM41 (Building site), Lisbon | April 24th 2018 © Hugo David
The proposals will be evaluated by the curatorial team and the selection (up to 10 projects) will be announced till January 2019. The 2019 Triennale curatorial team is composed by Éric Lapierre, Sébastien Marot, Mariabruna Fabrizi, Fosco Lucarelli, Ambra Fabi, Giovanni Piovene, Laurent Esmilaire and Tristan Chadney.
Independently funded and independent, the Associated Projects can be exhibitions, workshops, talks, and this year also film or music events, dealing with crucial problems relating to contemporary architecture and interested in a lively debate. All these events will make a solid parallel program composed of varied events that ensures Lisbon as a central point in the international architectural debate. We also want it to show a rich independent production of great relevance and value, so essential to the cultural living mechanisms of the city.
In the 2016 Triennale, The Form of Form, of the 73 proposals submitted for Associated Projects, 13 were in the end part of the Triennale. The 5th edition of the Lisbon Architecture Triennale, will take place between October 3rd and December 2nd 2019.