Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa
06 JUN 2015
Jury: Daniela Arnaut (IST), Paulo Tormenta Pinto (ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa), Pedro Guimarães (Associação dos Urbanistas Portugueses), Jakub Szczesny (Centrala), Paulo Albuquerque Goinhas (Embaixada Arquitectura)

Poster Archiprix Portugal 2015 ©Tiago Casanova

Archiprix Portugal 2015


On 6 June, the awards ceremony of the 3rd edition of Archiprix Portugal was held at the Lisbon Architecture Triennale headquarters. Launched in Portugal in 2013, this prize that annually distinguishes the best master's degree final projects presented in the areas of Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape Architecture.

The jury was composed by Daniela Arnaut (IST), Paulo Tormenta Pinto (ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa), Pedro Guimarães (Association of Portuguese Urbanists), Jakub Szczesny (CentralA) and Paulo Albuquerque Goinhas (Embaixada Arquitectos). The evaluation session took place on 28 of March, 2015 and the winner was selected among 27 project applications involving 22 Portuguese architectural schools.

The winner announcement ceremony included the showcase with the 27 projects and the publication launch entitled "Portrait of Education in Portugal: Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape Architecture in 2015" published by ArchiNews.

The Archiprix Portugal Prize was established in 2012 by the Archiprix Foundation (Rotterdam) and the Serra Henriques Foundation (Lisbon). 


Ana Paisano, Vale – Parque Todoroki Centro Interpretativo
Supervisor: Prof. José Nuno Beirão | Universidade de Lisboa - Architecture Faculty 

Honorable Mentions

Afonso de Sousa Botelho Santos, Memórias de um Outro Tejo
Supervisor: Prof. António Pedro Pacheco
Universidade de Lisboa - Architecture Faculty

Ana Pedro Ferreira, Paisagem Construída
Supervisor: Prof. Aurora Carapinha, Prof. João Maria Ventura Trindade
Universidade de Évora - Escola de Artes - Architecture Department

Emanuela Mendes, Desenhar na Memória de Uma Quinta de Recreio
Supervisor: Prof. Ana Marta das Neves Santos Feliciano
Universidade de Lisboa - Architecture Faculty

Maria Romani, The Wish Machine
Supervisor: Prof. Joaquim Moreno
Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa - Architecture Department

Maria Catarina Jácom de Brito Santos, Reurbanização dos Modelos de Ocupação da Cidade
Supervisor: Prof. Carlos Jorge Henriques Ferreira
Universidade de Lisboa - Architecture Faculty

Mariana Isabel Ferreira Pascoal Azevedo Campos, Baixa Crúzia
Supervisor: Prof. Rui Pedro Mexia Lobo
Universidade de Coimbra - Science and Technology Faculty - Architecture Department

Raquel de Sousa Bento Henriques, Construir o Vazio
Supervisor: Prof. Nuno Miguel Feio Ribeiro Mateus
Universidade de Lisboa - Architecture Faculty