General public: 10€
Visitors under 18, plus 65, OA members, students or unemployed: 6€
Free entrance for all children under 10 and visitors with special needs
The travelling exhibition Near + Futures + Quasi + Worlds left Bologne and arrived in Portugal to be settled at the Palácio Sinel de Cordes. Presenting a selection of artworks by thirteen artists, this show surveys seven years of S+T+ARTS, an initiative of the European Commission to foster collaborations between art, science, and technology.
Those who visit the exhibition are confronted with the uncertainties of the post-carbon, post-humanist condition through a variety of works by artists worldwide. Conceptualised and curated by Manuel Cirauqui, with the collaboration of associate curator Silvana Fiorese, the exhibition gathers internationally acclaimed artists and emerging talents.
In many cases, the authors developed their projects in partnership with research labs and relevant stakeholders in society and industry. Participants include Refik Anadol, renowned figure in advanced digital art and a leading reference in the use of neural networks to produce innovative visual work; Forensic Architecture, a multidisciplinary research group that collaborates with international organisations and non-governmental agencies, including Amnesty International and the UN; and Iris Van Herpen, a world-famous pioneer in biomorphic and nature-inspired fashion design involving new materials and structures.
This project is one of the first productions of Serra Madre, the new Kilowatt artistic production centre, and expresses a close connection with the founding principles of the S+T+ARTS initiative, in the current framework of the Green New Deal within the EU, and the inspiration of the New European Bauhaus, to face the main challenge of climate change, embracing the values of interdisciplinarity and social cohesion.
The exhibition has free admission on the first week (July 5 to 10). For the remaining days, tickets are available through the organisation’s communication channels (Artshare and S+T+ARTS).