This thematic exercise developed over a week seeks to promote teamwork, interdisciplinarity, communication skills and critical reflection. The participants are students from the first to the fifth year of the Architecture course and this year the work subject is the eastern limit of the consolidated part of Lisbon, where there are different cities, with different characteristics and lives.
Two of them are discussed here, as well as the limit that unites and separates them at the same time. If on one side we have the consolidated city of streets and squares, structured by a continuous and clearly defined public space, on the other we have the extensive city, where the collective space is fragmented and has no shape or defined limits, nor does it present a relationship with the built environment to allow the creation of a structuring system with meaning and order.
The two cities present different challenges and opportunities. While one is closer and denser with a wide variety of uses, new forms of soft mobility and a vast offer of goods and services, the other displays dispersion and housing use, which increases dependence on the car and excludes its population from social and urban life.
We seek to work on the boundary between the two, which corresponds to avenidas Almirante Gago Coutinho, Afonso Costa and Marechal Francisco Costa Gomes, rua António Gonçalves and avenida Mouzinho de Albuquerque. This limit is not only physical, through its topography, and its barely crossable large roads, but also social, since city discontinuity is the engine for the segregation of people, and therefore of social and collective life.
By understanding the urban models that form them, the objective of Projecto Relâmpago is the conception of an urban proposal aiming at resolving this limit as a whole through a global strategy, or the resolution of more problematic parts.
Dates: March 7-11, 2022
Organisation: NucleAR - Nucleus of Architecture Students of Instituto Superior Técnico
Participation: Registration needed