Conceived in partnership with Locus Acesso, responsible for the tactile design consultancy, and the publisher Planeta Tangerina, providing the illustrations, in this educational project we collaborated once again with FabLab Lisboa, with whom we maintain a close relationship in the scope of the central exhibitions of the Triennials.
To determine which relief solutions are best perceived, we tested several pages using a laser cutter, a 3D printer, and a lithographic press. In the exhibition, we present acrylic bas-relief studies roughed out in the laser cut printer. These studies were particularly useful for transferring the drawings compiled in the book's maquette, as they reveal the lines and surfaces of the illustrations by the illustrator Yara Kono (Planeta Tangerina)
With these semi-artisanal experiments we carried out tactile reading tests with children from the Bengala Mágica Association and the Romeu Correia school grouping in Almada to fine-tune the thickness and spacing of the lines before sending the final drawings for printing. Through this open-source collaboration, we ensure that the content has great clarity and readability to meet the highest standards of disciplinary and technical requirements. To celebrate the culmination of such a complex process marked by great challenges, it is with great enthusiasm that we integrate the group exhibition featuring various activities from 14h30 to 21h, with free admission.
The originality of A House is a Mountain is a Hat, a tactile and accessible illustrated album aimed at families and schools is to promote visual culture among blind or low-vision children aged 6 to 10 in an integrated and inclusive way.