The accessible tactile book A House is a Mountain is a Hat will be touring the country over the next few months. The dates and activities are not to be missed.
23 NOV
Livraria Hipopómatos na Lua, Sintra, 15:00-17:30
Presentation and workshop accessible book
The event will be attended by authors Filipa Tomaz, Letícia do Carmo and accessible consultant Fátima Alves (from Locus Acesso). The workshop starts at 16:30 and challenges the little ones to create the house of their imagination. 09 NOV
Festa da Ilustração Setúbal
Acessible boo presentation
In November, the tactile book Is a House is a Mountain continues its tour of the country. This time it's travelling to Setúbal for a presentation at Festa da Ilustração. The Triennale will be there to talk about the creation this accessible architecture publication, which was designed in partnership with Locus Acesso and illustrations by Planeta Tangerina.19 OCT
Arroios Market, Lisbon, 11:00-12:30
FLIFA workshop: The skeleton of the market
What is this market? Is it a reading market or an eating market? Come and discover the elements that make up this market. Using collages and illustrations from the book A house is a mountain is a hat, we'll create our market skeleton. 13 OCT
Folio Festival, Óbidos, 11:30-12:30
It's a book, it's a presentation
A Sunday morning within the walls of Óbidos Castle to attend the 9th edition of Folio Literary Festival for the presentation of the accessible book A House is a Mountain is a Hat. 12 OCT
It's a Book, Lisbon, 15:00-16:30
Workshop for children: There are many hats
Join us to discover a book that can be read with your eyes and hands. Come cut out, stick and discover with illustrator Yara Kono that a hat can be a boat, a forest, a mountain, a house.11 OCT
It's a Book, Lisbon, 18:30-19:30
Making of: How do you write an accessible book?
Lisbon Triennale, with the support of DG Artes, has launched a children's book about architecture. Accessible to children who are blind or have low vision, it has large print and Braille, and the colourful illustrations are duplicated in high relief, for viewing and touching. The illustrator, authors and accessibility consultant will be present.