Future Architecture Festival, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 28th 2017. We recruited the services of special reporter Manon Mollard for the Lisbon Architecture Triennale Channel. Our mission was planned with rigour and clarity: to approach the agents that were circulating around Future Architecture Festival, and confront them with questions about the loss of relevance of the frontiers between city and country side in Europe, and about landscape and its territorial and historical transformations. The challenge was to go to the edge of the question – agent Mollard exceeded our expectations in this mission.
From the mind of Manon Mollard, the strategy for the interviews fluctuated between fact and fiction in a discussion about the future of architecture. The proof is in plain sight. The result, are two films. The first one focuses in the city vs. country dichotomy that continues to lose relevance in European territories. What are we left with? How are artificial constructs transforming rural environments? The second one thinks about our understanding of landscape, as ongoing process subject to complex historical and territorial transformations, rather than static element. Is landscape for consumption? Contemplation? Conservation?
About Future Architecture Festival
The emerging generation of the most talented architects and urban planners is breaking down walls: not only built walls, but also imaginary, professional, and ideological walls. For them, architecture is not necessarily an activity whose sole purpose is construction, but rather a field for intellectual research. Their ideas presented in the Future Architecture platform over the course of the past two years reflect their critical approach and determination to address the most pressing problems of our times. For them, architecture is a way of thinking, seeing, analysing, and changing the world we work in. The Future Architecture Closing Festival will bring together Europe's architects, designers, creative individuals, and curators with their most powerful ideas for the future. There will be film screenings, exhibitions, conferences, workshops, and discussions.
About Manon Mollard
Young architectural designer and writer. Born in France and raised between Europe and Latin America, she has worked in Colombia and is currently based in London, where she is assistant editor at the Architectural Review. Manon Mollard took part of The Form of Form as one of the invited authors of the satellite exhibition The Limits of Landscape.
Reporting from the Edge | Lisbon Triennale at
Future Architecture Festival
Manon Mollard interviews Artem Kitaev (Kosmos Architects), Bianca Pujais, Bostjan Vuga, Charles Broskoski, Ethel Baraona Pohl, Felipe de Ferrari, Francesca Perry (Blueprint), Freo Majer (Forecast Platform), Guy De Launey (Monocle), James Taylor-Foster, Maja Vardjan, Phineas Harper (ArchFoudation) and Pippo Ciorra (MAXXI)