Tim is a former editor-in-chief at the Canadian Centre for Architecture ?and editor of Blueprint. Today he is exploring new ways to tell stories about architecture. He is the digital editor of Drawing Matter, a foundation interested in evaluating and discussing architectural drawings and he is the co-publisher ?of digital essays and on-demand print publications, Machine Books. Tim has edited a number of publications including Diogo Seixas Lopes’s book Melancholy and Architecture: On Aldo Rossi published by Park Books. He has co-edited a series of publications on architectural styles. Tim has also written about architecture extensively for a number of top publications. His work has appeared in The Times, New Statesman, and Wired. He now writes about architecture ?and design for Architectural Review? and Icon. His book An Archaeology of the Modern Olympics, an examination of the material culture produced by the modern Olympic movement will be published in April 2016. He’s also lectured at Birkbeck and Manchester Universities on the architecture and design of the modern Olympics. Tim has made a number of short films including work on Anish Kapoor and Álvaro Siza.