Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa
Filipa Tomaz, Letícia Carmo, Locus Acesso

Accessible Book © Letícia Carmo

The House in a Book

Schools, families, and accessibility

"A House is a Mountain is a Hat" is a book to be seen, read, experienced, and felt in many ways. Designed for children aged 6 to 10, it explores the house and its multiple dimensions – its components, basic shapes, personality, various types, and its connections with the street, neighbourhood, city, and landscape.

With vibrant colours and tactile elements, featuring large print and Braille text, the book is accessible to blind or visually impaired children, making it a valuable tool for teaching children with special needs.

We conduct presentations, readings, and interpretations of this book in schools, libraries, and other locations.

A House is a Mountain is a Hat was created in partnership with Locus Acesso, with illustrations by Planeta Tangerina, and it is available in bookstores.